Thursday, August 12, 2010

What is the Meaning of Life

To be HAPPY!!! With who you are. With where you are. With what you have.


In a system that is failing it's people how can anyone be happy. With whole businesses bankrupt. Families losing their homes. People living on the street or in their cars just hoping the next interview will be the ONE. "Have you ever taken a bath in a public restroom?"


Look around you... the malls are still thriving. Fast food restaurants are still doing fine. In fact I think the family down the street just bought 2 new cars. How come all these people get to have what I can only dream of? The days I don't HAVE to eat Top Ramen are great days. We live in a system that makes us play a game as citizens. 


And once you've earned your share, you can retire and the system will take care of you. In a nutshell... YOU HAVE TO PLAY THE GAME! It sucks but it's so true. How can I be happy living in a system like this

There are many ways and you can find your own but what if a family member or really close friend told you about a way out. A way that works. Now you'll probably do what everyone does and roll your eyes at the whole idea. It's impossible... Just like the Beanie Baby Craze... or the Pokemon Craze that happened after that... and what about $400 personal music players that only work with one program unless you know how to hack into it and make it more personal... At the begining when no one knows about it, is the hardest time to sell something BIG. But when word gets around...


I'm not trying to sell you some new gadget, some new fad that will be over in a year. This is about the Meaning of Life. To find that happiness we all know and want. To have security and be independent. "I want to OWN my own house. I want TWo... NO THREE luxury vehicles. I want my children to be able to go to any college they want. If a movie is EVER made that I want to watch, I can go to the theater and watch a movie. I'll even get popcorn and a slurpee!"

I'm not a family member or a CLOSE friend, but as a new friend I can show you how to get where I am.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nope I decided I will be blunt. Your a moron! If that's the reason you don't like the company... But perfect! I'll define a Pyramid Scam so that way people like the "Dude" will understand the difference. I'm actually really glad this was the first comment.
