A System of proven science that actually reverses the signs and sources of aging
The Galvanic Spa
The Age Loc Gels
Truface Essence Ultra
G3 Juice
Lifepak Nano
The Biophotonic Scanner
Each of the products shown above are patented and copyrighted so no other company can make a duplicate or competing product.
Nourish the Children
Nu Skin also offers Make up, dietary supplements and training tools. A complete line of skin care moisturizers and even muscle relaxing lotions. They are also partnered up with an Organization called "Nourish the Children". But the most interesting or well what I care about most is...
THE MONEY! How much do I get paid?
Enroll Customers and new Distributors to begin earning Fast-Start payments, retail profits and volume commissions.
As a Distributor you can earn:
• Up to 30% profit on Retail Customer purchases2
• Fast-Start Payments when you sell Fast-Start Product Packages
See package example below:
— $375 US ($431.25 CA) suggested retail package price1
— 200 PSV
$85 potential retail profit
Plus, $50 Fast-Start Payment to the seller
• 5% commission on L1 sales volume generated monthly
Note: Commissions and sales bonuses are paid only to active Distributors. See Glossary for explanation of active requirement, including retail sales requirements.
1 The published retail price is only a suggested price and as an independent distributor you are free to set your own retail price for customers. Any potential retail profit will depend on the retail price you set. The potential retail profit described above is an example of how your retail markup can generate additional profits.
2 The only required purchase to become a distributor is a not-for-profit Business Portfolio. All product purchases are optional. There are no bonuses paid for recruiting. All bonuses are paid only when products are sold.
Build your organization and become an Executive Leader and see your earnings multiply.
During Executive Qualification you can earn:
The same as Step 1, PLUS
Opportunity to participate in the Mega Performance Bonus Pool
Month 1 (LOI)
Month 2 (Q1)
Month 3 (Q2)
100 PSV, ADR, and 1,000 GSV*
100 PSV, ADR, and 1,500 GSV*
100 PSV, ADR, and 2,000 GSV*
As an Executive you can earn:
The same as a Qualifying Executive, PLUS
A monthly Executive Bonus (EB) on your total GSV*
Step 3 - Wealth Maximizer
Ensures the Maximum Payout for You
Increase your earning potential as Nu Skin pays you the maximum commission possible. EARNINGS POTENTIAL
Commission from Step 1 and Step 2, PLUS
The method that pays you the most from the Wealth Maximizer calculations
Increase your earning potential as Nu Skin pays you the maximum commission possible. EARNINGS POTENTIAL
Commission from Step 1 and Step 2, PLUS
The method that pays you the most from the Wealth Maximizer calculations
BONUS PAYOUT EXAMPLE Nu Skin automatically maximizes your commissions, every month, and pays you the calculation that earns you the most.
Mega Performance Bonus Pool
Earn a Share of the Region's Success
Qualifying Executives and Executives earn a share of the Americas, Europe and South Pacific commissionable sales through the Mega Performance Bonus Pool.* The Mega Performance Bonus Pool incorporates monthly commissionable sales volume from the United States, Canada, Europe, Russia, Israel, South Africa, Central America, South America, and the South Pacific.
1 share =
1 new qualified Letter of Intent (LOI)
1 share =
1 new qualified Letter of Intent (LOI) OR
Each Distributor passed Q1 OR
Each Distributor passed Q2
A share of the Americas, Europe and South Pacific Commissionable Sales Mega Pool Shares can be accumulated by the following: Qualifying Executives and Executives:
1 share for each new qualified Letter of Intent (LOI)
Executives Only:
1 share for each passed Q1 Qualifying Executive
1 share for each passed Q2 Qualifying Executive
And that is Nu Skin!
To Join or Purchase any of the products Contact me at:
I imagine one day I'll be driving and I'll see a beautiful home. It will take my breath away. I'll slam on my breaks and jump out. I'm sure there will be a long driveway. A short staircase to the front door which will tower over me as if I were a child. When the owner comes to the door. I'll ask him: "How much did you purchase this home for?" When he tells me. I'll immediately open my check book and Double it, hand him the check and ask: "May I buy your home?" If he says it's not for sale I'll open my check book again and triple it. I'm sure at a certain point the owner will cough up the keys to MY new home.
Money should be no object! But how would I get to this point. I don't even know anybody that makes that kind of money. But after a long day at a Job I would often say was my Dream Job. I got home and my mother was so excited. She started telling me about a great opportunity she had found and she wanted me to join forces with her to Sell Cosmetics... or anti aging, or spa stuff... Whatever. She asked me to become a salesman with her. My first thought... HELL NO!
Good luck I hope you make it. Well she did... in just two months I watched as my mother began quitting her jobs and going into this business full time. Since my mother made so much money so quickly I decided to look into it myself and what I found blew me away. This company is publicly traded. They pay the most in commissions than any other company. And their products visibly work on the skin the first time and every time you use it. I had to see this thing in action. So I went to a "Meeting"
EHK! I hate meetings where they pressure you to join their cult. "All I want to see is if this thing works" Well after some scripted business speeches and a couple people welcoming me for the 50th time to the company even though I hadn't joined anything yet. I got to see it. IT was small and black and it didn't do anything but beep. I couldn't feel it on my skin but holy hell could I see it work. I watched the results on 20 different people and WOW! On women it seems to work better but honestly I don't see every guy on the planet getting up in the morning to rub his face with some toy.
BUT... I found a product I believe in... that's all it took. I quit my job I jumped into this business full time and after a year I haven't looked back. I'm now living in SF in my own home. AND I'm making more money now than I have ever made in my entire life. I can see the possibility of becoming a millionaire way before I turn 30 and that's an amazing feat. But up until now I've been trying to just sell these products and have been doing very well with just that. But the good money is in building partnerships. Showing other people how to do what I have done. To become INDEPENDENT. Own your own home, set your own hours. Be your own boss.
I am looking for people to train, to teach. How can you make the money that I do? I will show you.
"A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainablebusiness model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, without any product or service being delivered. Pyramid schemes are a form of fraud.[1]" - Wikipedia
"All I need now is $1000 and then you too can collect $1000 from other naive people just like you!"
It's a shame that this actually happens. Pyramid Scams are very real and are rather common. But they should not be confused with a Multi-Level Marketing Company. BUT WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?
Pyramid Scams
Have no real product or service
Have no real compensation plan
Are very hush hush, "This is a big secret!"
Promise huge payouts very quickly
Have no Business History
Muti-Level Marketing Company
Offer a product or service you can sell
Have a Real (simple) Compensation plan
Have a business history (openly traded)
Offer training and realistic payouts
How do I avoid the scams
1) Find — and study — the company’s track record
2) Learn about the product
3) Ask questions
4) Understand any restrictions
5) Talk to other distributors (beware shills)
6) Consider using a friend or adviser as a neutral sounding board or for a gut check
7) Take your time
8) Think about whether this plan suits your talents and goals
AND ABOVE ALL!!! You've got to like what your selling. IF you don't, than why are you selling it? 2RX2NEW9NJYJ
To be HAPPY!!! With who you are. With where you are. With what you have.
In a system that is failing it's people how can anyone be happy. With whole businesses bankrupt. Families losing their homes. People living on the street or in their cars just hoping the next interview will be the ONE. "Have you ever taken a bath in a public restroom?"
Look around you... the malls are still thriving. Fast food restaurants are still doing fine. In fact I think the family down the street just bought 2 new cars. How come all these people get to have what I can only dream of? The days I don't HAVE to eat Top Ramen are great days. We live in a system that makes us play a game as citizens.
And once you've earned your share, you can retire and the system will take care of you. In a nutshell... YOU HAVE TO PLAY THE GAME! It sucks but it's so true. How can I be happy living in a system like this?
There are many ways and you can find your own but what if a family member or really close friend told you about a way out. A way that works. Now you'll probably do what everyone does and roll your eyes at the whole idea. It's impossible... Just like the Beanie Baby Craze... or the Pokemon Craze that happened after that... and what about $400 personal music players that only work with one program unless you know how to hack into it and make it more personal... At the begining when no one knows about it, is the hardest time to sell something BIG. But when word gets around...
I'm not trying to sell you some new gadget, some new fad that will be over in a year. This is about the Meaning of Life. To find that happiness we all know and want. To have security and be independent. "I want to OWN my own house. I want TWo... NO THREE luxury vehicles. I want my children to be able to go to any college they want. If a movie is EVER made that I want to watch, I can go to the theater and watch a movie. I'll even get popcorn and a slurpee!"
I'm not a family member or a CLOSE friend, but as a new friend I can show you how to get where I am.
Love is a familiar. Love is a devil. There is no evil angel but Love.
-- William Shakespeare
The first time I ever felt I wasn't good enough was when she said goodbye. I never imagined I could think about somebody so much. Never did I dream I could hurt so badly. I could do nothing but scream and lash out. She had left me after all that was said, all that was done, all that we had. As I searched inside myself for some hope that I could bring her back. I knew I'd never see her again and there was nothing I could do about it. I wasn't good enough.
From that day forward I've never felt that way about anyone else... well not until recently, but that's another story. In any case I held onto this feeling of not being good enough for anyone. I dated and met many amazing women but never did I ever believe I was good enough.
So I pushed to make something more of myself in everything I did. Perfectionist to the core. I built myself up, never letting anyone get in the way of my hopes, my dreams, my... Loves.
I do love. Everyday I love. I love my friends. When I see them I always try to spend as much time as I can finding out what's on their mind. How they feel? How their hopes, and dreams, and loves are going? I love my Family. Sometimes you've heard it 100 times before but just being with them to listen will bring something back into your heart we've all forgotten is always there.
I could go on. But let me get to the point. If you want to learn how to love. You need to start with understanding yourself.
Find a quiet place to be alone for about 5 maybe 10 minutes
Turn off the lights if you can and close your eyes
What do you see?
Erase it
Listen to the room. Picture yourself in that room and try to see your own face (This can be very difficult but really try to do this)
Now that you are present to yourself and your surroundings, ask yourself "What do I want to do?"
It should come very quickly, when you have it, jump up! And take to it like nothing you've ever done before. If you start losing interest quickly than you need to spend more time in a clear head before asking yourself what you want to do.
This exercise will not only help you with understanding yourself but it will really give you time to see what's lacking in your relationships as well. Giving you a great start in understanding what love is all about.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” - Marianne Williamson
I Quote Ms. Williamson because this is exactly how I felt Everyday until one day I woke up! My Name is Karwasche and I have arrived! I am not your average model male. I do not shy away from confrontation. I have been to jail and I have worked in the $!%#. I'm sorry if sometimes I come off offensive that's just the way I speak, it has nothing to do with your beliefs or virtues. I do not have all the answers, but I do have the internet.
I promise I'll Never lie to you, but I am here to sell. Pieces of me... My art, My Films, Comics, animation, clothing, My Business, even life lessons learned. When this is all over. We'll both be better, stronger, even wiser.
I am a DJ. I am a Leader. I am an Artist. I am a Musician. I am a Dancer. I am an Actor. I am a Director. I am a Lover. I am a Cook. I am A Business, man. I am not afraid to make the first Promise. Today I take the first step to a future with you in it.